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Stadium Regulations

These REGULATIONS shall be of general and mandatory application for all ATTENDANTS and any other person having access to and/or use of the SEASON TICKET, SUITES, SEATS and COMMON USE AREAS for a given EVENT, and may be totally or partially modified by the ADMINISTRATION at any time to adapt them to the needs of the functioning and operation of the STADIUM and the safety of the ATTENDANTS.

 Possession and administration of the STADIUM shall be the responsibility of the ADMINISTRATION, in accordance with the provisions of these REGULATIONS. ATTENDANTS shall have the rights and obligations stipulated in these REGULATIONS.

The mere use, access, or occupation of any ASSISTANT shall be sufficient for the persons performing such acts to be considered as accepting and subjecting themselves to the rules and regulations mentioned in these REGULATIONS.

Each ATTENDEE and/or SEASON TICKET HOLDER shall be solely and fully responsible for the use made of his/her SEASON TICKET or TICKET and for the penalties that this may generate, regardless of whether such use has been made by a third party who has acquired the SEASON TICKET or TICKET by reason of loan, transfer, sale, loss, theft, robbery, etc.

 The following terms in these REGULATIONS shall have the definition described below:
- SEASON TICKET HOLDER: A person who acquires the temporary right to access a certain location in the STADIUM for a series of EVENTS.
- SEASON TICKET: Temporary right to access a certain location in the STADIUM for a series of EVENTS, represented by means of a device granted by the ADMINISTRATION.
- ADMINISTRATION: The Club de Futbol Monterrey Rayados or any other individual or legal entity designated by it.
- AREAS OF COMMON USE: Facilities or areas within the STADIUM, consisting of hallways, accesses, ornaments, advertisements, restrooms, restaurants, stairways, Official Store, etc.
- ATTENDANT: Any person who has access to and/or use of the SUITES, CLUB SEATS, SEATS and/or COMMON USE AREAS.
- TICKET: Document or access pass provided to the ATTENDEES, which allows them access to the SUITE, CLUB SEAT or SEATS, on which the right of use has been granted for a certain EVENT.
- SEATS: These are the seats in the STADIUM for which the SEASON TICKET HOLDER or ATTENDEE acquires rights to access the EVENTS. Likewise, the seats on the Ground Floor or Upper Floor and, in general, all the places defined to watch the EVENTS, whether or not they have an individual seat, are considered SEATS.
-CLUB SEAT: Differentiated seats corresponding to the Premium Zones located in the central East or West zone of the STADIUM's Ground Floor.
- STADIUM: Property called Estadio BBVA Bancomer, located in the Municipality of Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon, which consists of land and construction that together form an enclosure for the presentation of EVENTS, which is integrated, among other locations, by SUITES, CLUB SEATS, SEATS, COMMON USE AREAS and other areas within the same property.
- PARKING: Outdoor space within the STADIUM premises, enabled for the temporary stay of vehicles.
- EVENT: Show, sporting or similar event operated by the ADMINISTRATION, where the ADMINISTRATION is responsible for issuing and/or delivering access to the STADIUM to the ATTENDANTS, which may be composed of one or several functions or presentations that constitute a unit or series.
- NON-SERIOUS MISCONDUCT: That which, even though not considered by the ADMINISTRATION as a SERIOUS FOUL, constitutes a breach of the most elementary rules of behavior at an EVENT.
- SERIOUS MISCONDUCT: An important, significant or evident misconduct that violates morals or good customs, whether or not it is classified as a criminal offense that may result in damages to a person or his/her property. Likewise, the repetition of a NON-SERIOUS MISCONDUCT and all other matters determined by the ADMINISTRATION for each particular case shall be considered as a SERIOUS MISCONDUCT.
- LAW: Set of legal norms and rules in force, enacted by the legislative or administrative bodies of federal, state and/or municipal character, issued for general or special compliance, by the competent authority.
- SUITE: Space for private use located inside the STADIUM and over which certain persons have exclusive rights of use.
- HIGH RISK OR HIGH SECURITY MATCH: Sports event that, by definition of LIGA MX or any AUTHORITY, whether sports, municipal, state or federal, requires the application of special and/or extraordinary operations, measures and procedures for the preservation of the security of the ATTENDANTS and facilities of the STADIUM.
- PARKING PASS: Valid document that grants access to the STADIUM for a SEASON, TOURNAMENT or EVENT.
- REGULATIONS: The present instrument designed to establish the rules for the use of the STADIUM and, in particular, for its SUITES, CLUB SEATS, SEATS, PARKING and AREAS OF COMMON USE, compliance with which is mandatory for all ATTENDANTS.
- SEASON: Series of matches or EVENTS designated by the sports authorities and composed of two TOURNAMENTS.
- TOURNAMENT: Series of matches or EVENTS designated by the sports authorities and limited for a determined period of time.

The aforementioned definitions may be expressed in plural or singular, feminine or masculine, using capital or lower case letters, in such a way that, for purposes of interpretation of this instrument, they have the same meaning.


Each SEASON TICKET HOLDER shall use his/her PASS or TICKET and occupy the Seat in the Row and Section described therein and shall do so in an orderly, peaceful and moral manner. The SEASON TICKETS may at no time and under no circumstances be used for purposes other than those expressly authorized.


1. All personnel of the different services entering the SUITES, CLUB SEATS and SEATS area or any other location with an accreditation, key or access device may be subject to a body search.
2. No food or beverages are allowed to enter the STADIUM.
3. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to prohibit the entry of persons who do not comply with these rules or interfere with the STADIUM's operations.
4. Each ATTENDEE, regardless of age, must have a physical TICKET at the time of entering the premises. It is not valid to enter with a photocopy, image or any other reproduction of the original PASS or TICKET.
5. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to request any ATTENDEE to physically present his or her SEASON TICKET or TICKET. This may occur in any area within the STADIUM and at any time while the ATTENDEE is in or in the vicinity of the STADIUM.
6. ATTENDEES must follow and respect at all times the security measures for access to the SUITES, CLUB SEATS and SEATS, in order to facilitate the safety of all ATTENDEES.
7. ATTENDANTS may not enter the playing field for any reason. Failure to comply with this rule is considered a SERIOUS MISCONDUCT and causes immediate eviction from the STADIUM and the definitive cancellation of the SEASON TICKET.


8. Each ATTENDEE shall use the SUITE, SEAT CLUB or SEATS with the Seat, Row and Section location described in his/her SEASON TICKET or TICKET and shall do so in an orderly and peaceful manner and in accordance with morals and good manners. The SUITES, CLUB SEATS and SEATS may not be used at any time and under any circumstances for purposes other than those expressly authorized.
9. ATTENDEES may not bring guests to an area without having a corresponding SEASON TICKET or TICKET for each guest.
10. In the event that any ATTENDANT becomes aware that another person is in breach of any of the provisions contained in these REGULATIONS, he/she shall refrain from complaining directly to said person or demanding compliance. Instead, he/she shall notify the ADMINISTRATION through its collaborators, so that it may proceed accordingly.
11. To this effect, it is strictly forbidden for the ATTENDEES to the SUITE, SEAT CLUB, SEATS or COMMON USE AREAS to bring pets or animals in general, unless they are a support for people with disabilities and/or considered visually impaired.
12. Each ATTENDANT shall use the services and facilities of the COMMON USE AREAS according to their nature and destination.
13. In order to ensure compliance with safety protocols, it is advisable that each ATTENDEE tries to keep his/her visual and auditory attention to the respective announcements on the STADIUM screens or loudspeakers.
14. The presence of ATTENDANTS in the SUITE during any EVENT shall be conditional upon the presence of at least one person of legal age inside the SUITE.
15. The use of SUITES shall be:

a. For spectators of the various EVENTS.
b. During the hours and days established for each EVENT.

16. Damage caused by ATTENDANTS to the STADIUM facilities and to the STADIUM SUITES, CLUB SEATS, or SEATS shall be repaired at the expense and cost of the person responsible and/or holder of the SEASON TICKETS or TICKET who has the right to such location, without prejudice to being subject to the penalties established in these REGULATIONS.
17. In the event of any infringement of the provisions of these REGULATIONS, the ATTENDANTS may be removed from the SUITES, CLUB SEATS, SEATS and/or the STADIUM by the ADMINISTRATION, in addition to being responsible for the expenses incurred for the adequate repair of the affected areas, as well as for any other damages caused by non-compliance.
18. Each ATTENDEE shall repair any damage caused by him/her or his/her guests to the services and facilities of the COMMON USE AREAS. The ADMINISTRATION is responsible for contracting the repair work corresponding to the damage, charged to the person responsible and/or holder of the SEASON TICKET or TICKET that caused the damage.


ATTENDEES will be obliged to respect the following guidelines for the use of the different seats and facilities of the STADIUM (SUITES, CLUB SEATS, SEATS and COMMON USE AREAS):

19. The times for the use of the various locations and facilities shall be set exclusively by the ADMINISTRATION for each EVENT. In the event it is not so determined, it shall be understood that the hours for use shall be from two hours prior to the start of the EVENT until two hours after its conclusion.
20. All vehicles must have a PARKING PASS to enter the STADIUM PARKING LOTS. This also applies to the vehicles of the security personnel of the ATTENDEES.
21. The drivers and security personnel of the ATTENDEES will be allowed to stop their vehicles at the access gates in the VIP Parking Area and/or predefined for this purpose, only for the minimum time required for the passengers to get in or out of the VIP parking area.
22. Traffic speed in the STADIUM vehicular circulation areas shall be a maximum of 15 km/h (9 mph).
23. All vehicle drivers must respect the direction of traffic and the indications of parking lot personnel.
24. Drivers shall give pedestrians the right of way.
25. ATTENDANTS shall respect the parking spaces assigned for persons with disabilities. The ADMINISTRATION shall remove with a tow truck those vehicles that do not carry the official handicapped parking placard or permit issued by the competent Police and Traffic authority or to which the ADMINISTRATION has granted the permit. Failure to comply with this guideline shall be considered a SERIOUS MISCONDUCT.
26. In order to maintain the security of the STADIUM, and for the purpose of controlling the entry and exit of persons to and from the STADIUM, the ADMINISTRATION shall establish the most appropriate mechanisms for its control.
27. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to condition the access to the STADIUM to the immediate presentation of the SEASON TICKET or TICKET by the ATTENDEE.
28. ATTENDEES shall dress appropriately, according to decorum and good manners, following the instructions of the ADMINISTRATION.
29. Once the ATTENDEE enters the SUITES or CLUB SEATS, the security personnel of the ATTENDEES shall remain in their vehicles or outside the access gates, without causing any inconvenience to other ATTENDEES.
30. In the event of damage caused to the SUITES, CLUB SEATS, SEATS or COMMON USE AREAS attributable to one or more of the ATTENDEES, the ADMINISTRATION shall decide whether to require the latter to repair the damage caused as soon as possible, or to pay the amount of the repairs carried out by external suppliers appointed by the ADMINISTRATION at current market prices. In this case, the ASSISTANTS shall pay the amount of the damage when required by the ADMINISTRATION.
31. The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to remove from the STADIUM facilities any ASSISTANT who fails to comply with or incurs in any of the prohibitions of these REGULATIONS, without prejudice to any other legal right or action to which the ASSISTANT may be entitled.


For all intents and purposes, the following behaviors shall be considered NON-SERIOUS MISCONDUCTS to the REGULATIONS, including, but not limited to, the following:


Outside the Stadium

32. Reserving parking spaces.
33. Obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic lanes.
34. Make repairs to vehicles (except for reasons of force majeure or emergency) or to any other object in road areas or use them as workshops.
35- Open, in any way, accesses to the STADIUM other than those provided by the ADMINISTRATION.
36. Market any type of product or service, except as authorized by the ADMINISTRATION.


Inside the Stadium

37. Not having a valid SEASON TICKET or TICKET.
38. Entering or displaying banners or signs with symbols, emblems or legends with political, commercial, racist, obscene or inciting violence.
39. Smoking inside the STADIUM facilities, including SUITES, CLUB SEATS, SEATS, COMMON USE AREAS, restaurants, Club Lounges, etc.
40. Bringing animals into the STADIUM, unless they are support for handicapped persons considered visually impaired.
41. Enter and/or use sirens, strobes, loudspeakers or musical instruments that have not been expressly authorized by the ADMINISTRATION.
42. Use vehicular or pedestrian circulation areas or any other common space for the temporary or permanent placement of plants or any other ornamental or element that has not been previously approved by the ADMINISTRATION.
43. Install tables, chairs, commercial stands, place objects in the COMMON USE AREAS or in PALCOS, unless authorized by the ADMINISTRATION.
44. Remain standing for a prolonged period of time in any of the SEATS areas, obstructing the visibility of third parties.
45. Any other violation of these REGULATIONS that is not expressly defined as a SERIOUS MISCONDUCT.


Within the SUITES area

46. Climbing on the seats, benches, tables and, in general, on the furniture of the SUITE.
47. Throwing any type of object from the SUITE.
48. Using video recording systems or any other system, either their own or those installed in the SUITE, to record an EVENT for purposes other than personal use.
49. Using the services of STADIUM personnel, such as guards, watchmen, gardeners, electricians, cleaning personnel, etc., for personal services. Therefore, it is forbidden to give them gratuities or tips.
50. Storing objects inside the SUITE that may cause discomfort to the occupants and/or other ATTENDANTS, or impair the cleanliness or appearance of the STADIUM.
51. Any other violation of these REGULATIONS not expressly defined as a SERIOUS MISCONDUCT.



For all intents and purposes, the following conduct shall be considered SERIOUS MISCONDUCTS, including but not limited to:


Outside the Stadium

52. To open, in any way, accesses to the Stadium other than those provided by the ADMINISTRATION.
53. To consume alcoholic beverages in the parking lot or outside areas of the STADIUM.
54. Holding gatherings with burning embers (grill or other similar).
55. Not respecting parking spaces for people with disabilities.
56. Acts against the LAW, good manners, morals and, in general, against the order and respect for other ATTENDANTS at the STADIUM EVENTS.
57. Any other that the ADMINISTRATION determines as such.


Inside the Stadium

58. Falsifying, pretending and/or making use of an apocryphal SEASON TICKETS.
59. Falsifying, pretending and/or making use of an apocryphal PARKING PASS.
60. Resale or sale of SEASON TICKETS or TICKETS, regardless of the place where they take place, inside or outside the STADIUM premises, adjacent streets, etc. Likewise, attempting to enter and/or transfer by any means the SEASON TICKET or TICKET to any person who attempts to enter the cheering section located in Sections NTE113, OTE114 or OTE115 with garment(s) and/or accessories of the visiting team. Likewise, transferring them after entering the STADIUM.
61. Entering the STADIUM without a SEASON TICKET or TICKET. Likewise, facilitating and/or making use of a SEASON TICKET or TICKET to allow any third party to enter the areas to which the latter is not entitled to enter.
62. Entering the STADIUM while intoxicated or in an evident state of intoxication by drugs, narcotics, psychotropic substances or others that produce similar effects.
63. Entering the playing field or any other restricted area.
64. Bringing into the STADIUM firearms, knives or sharp weapons, rockets, lasers, smoke bombs or gunpowder in any form, flags larger than 100 x 120 centimeters with flagpoles made of materials other than PVC, and any other object that could be considered dangerous.
65. Introducing, consuming, trafficking or carrying drugs or enervating substances; committing acts of a sexual nature, stripping off clothing, provoking altercations, expressing insults or cursing, making obscene gestures, as well as any other similar act that implies offenses against morality or good manners, these REGULATIONS, and the corresponding LAWS, or any activity that could endanger the physical integrity of oneself or others.
66. To use or occupy any seat or location other than the one to which his own access entitles, as well as to lend a SEASON TICKET or TICKET for someone else to do so.
67. Misuse the security systems of the STADIUM, such as emptying fire extinguishers, activating alarm systems, etc.
68. Placing advertising that has not been previously authorized by the ADMINISTRATION, as well as having such advertising carried by ATTENDANTS and/or visible to the public area, stage or field of the STADIUM.

69. Carrying out sales, handing out promotional items or asking for handouts in the COMMON USE AREA or in the STADIUM SUITES, unless authorized in writing by the ADMINISTRATION.
70. Engaging in any conduct aimed at undermining the property of the STADIUM or of the ATTENDANTS, or causing physical or moral harm to any person and/or its occupants.


Inside Premium Locations

71. Arrive to the SUITE without having presented the corresponding SEASON TICKET or TICKET or allowing another unauthorized person to enter the SUITE area. Using or pretending to use a seat different from the one to which your access entitles you, that is, using or pretending to use a place that is not the one that corresponds to you.
72. Damaging elements of the SUITE, such as glass, screens, lighting, bathroom furniture, etc.
73. Standing or sitting on the parapet or handrail of the SUITE that faces the STADIUM field.
74. Make any modification to the SUITE.
75. Install or use machines, engines or devices that are loud, pollutant, dangerous, prankish or annoying for the ATTENDANTS.
76. Make electrical connections, water, gas and, in general, any service to the SUITE.
77. Place wires for telephones, radios, televisions, etc., inside or outside the SUITE.
78. Place advertising inside or outside the SUITE, which is not previously authorized by the ADMINISTRATION, as well as for such advertising to be carried by the ATTENDANTS and/or be visible to the public area or stage or main field of the STADIUM.
79. Storing flammable, toxic or dangerous materials in the SUITES that in any way may represent a threat to the safety of others, or using equipment that generates excessive noise or heat that could cause an accident or fire.


80. Any failure to comply with these REGULATIONS shall be considered a misconduct, which may be classified as a SERIOUS MISCONDUCT or NON-SERIOUS MISCONDUCT, which shall be subject to the provisions of these REGULATIONS and/or to the consideration freely given to each case by the ADMINISTRATION.
II. Any repetition of a NON-SERIOUS MISCONDUCT shall automatically become a SERIOUS MISCONDUCT.
III. NON-SERIOUS MISCONDUCST will be sanctioned, depending on each case:
a. The removal of the persons using the SUITE, CLUB SEAT or SEAT, either by elements of the internal security of the STADIUM, by elements of Public Security or other corporations.
b. The restitution of damages caused directly or indirectly by the ATTENDANTS and/or;
c. Temporary disabling of the SEASON TICKET.
IV. SERIOUS MISCONDUCTS will have as sanction, according to each case, in addition to those established for the NON-SERIOUS MISCONDUCT indicated in paragraphs a), b) and c) above, the following:
d. Temporary suspension of the right to use the SEASON TICKET.
e. Definitive suspension of the right to use the SEASON TICKET.
f. Restitution of the damages caused by the misconduct or misconducts.
V. The above sanctions shall be cumulative. In no case shall the offender be entitled to compensation for the limitation or prohibition of the use of the SEASON TICKET.
 VI. If the ATTENDANT does not remedy the infraction or does not make restitution for the damage caused, legal action shall be taken against him/her in accordance with the terms of these REGULATIONS and the respective laws.
 VII. ATTENDANT and/or SEASON TICKET HOLDER who fails to comply with the provisions of the LAW or these REGULATIONS, shall have his/her SEASON TICKET suspended or revoked.


The ADMINISTRATION reserves the right to refer any case and/or offenders to the competent authorities.

The STADIUM will be managed by the ADMINISTRATION, which will be in charge of its operation and maintenance.
II. Any inspection, maintenance, cleaning, remodeling or work to be performed in a SUITE, SEAT CLUB, SEAT or in the COMMON USE AREAS shall be the exclusive power of the ADMINISTRATION and shall be performed by the personnel commissioned by the ADMINISTRATION for such work, to the exclusion of any other person. The ADMINISTRATION shall not be liable for damages caused to the facilities by work not contracted by it; and, if any, such damages shall be covered by the owner or user of such premises.
III. The ADMINISTRATION will have a master key that will open all the PALCOS in such a way that they may be accessed to carry out the different maintenance, cleaning and other tasks.
 IV. If necessary, for security reasons or any other reason, the ADMINISTRATION may change the lock, deadbolt or coding thereof to restrict access to the SUITE.
 V. The execution of minor works inside the SUITES (for example, change of valves, gaskets, etc.), may be carried out by maintenance personnel at no cost to the holder of the right of use of such location.
 VI. During working hours, employees working in the STADIUM may not provide special services of any kind to the ATTENDANTS.

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