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Code of Ethics


  1. Background
  2. Institutional Principles
  3. Values
  4. Code of Ethics



Adherence to our Principles, Values and Sports and Citizens Code of Ethics reflect a sense of respect and commitment that we hope is reflected in the behavior In Life and on the Field of everyone who is part of this Institution.

The Club de Futbol Monterrey Rayados competes and evolves by adhering to its bylaws, laws, regulations and sporting and civil contractual relationships, the observance and fulfillment of which are essential for existing and developing in a sustainable manner in a sports and social environment.

The Board of Directors of the Club, in view of that stated above, has approved and authorized this document to be issued in which our Principles, Values and Code of Ethics are recorded, which define the culture and behavior that must prevail within our Institution.


The Principles of the Club reflect the fundamentals and commitments of this Institution with Fans and the Community at large.

These Principles, together with our Values, are and will be the foundation on which the development of the Club is cemented.


We recognize that our Fans and Community are the reasons for the existence of this Institution and the principles and fundamentals of the Club are based on this fact.


The Club de Futbol Monterrey Rayados is a non-profit Institution that carries out its activities in a responsible manner and it permanently seeks to increase its sports and material patrimony to assure its permanence and viability over time.


The Club, in accordance to the social reasons that created this Institution, is committed to reinvesting the total amount of resources generated from our activities in soccer and in community social causes.


It is the Club’s commitment to actively participate in different community, educational and ecological conservation support activities, with a primary focus on children and young people in vulnerable conditions.

We are committed to the sustainable conservation of the La Pastora zone of the Gran Parque Ecológico Río La Silla.


The Club is committed to always acting within the framework of legality, respecting applicable laws and ordinances when carrying out its activities, and be a transparent organization with regular audits by highly recognized independent institutions that have an international reputation.



The fans are our reason for being as a Club and we do everything we can to maintain an emotional bond with them. The quality of the experience and service is a priority for us.


The success of the Club depends on the people who make it up. We create a collaborative, diverse, inclusive work environment with development opportunities.


We are proud of our history and understand that it is the foundation of our current and future successes. We evolve and progress from who we are as a Club.


We generate social value in our community. We make sure that our initiatives are environmentally sustainable and benefit all of its members.


We strive to achieve excellence in our sports and institutional work. Being a symbol of passion, dedication, competitiveness and a winning attitude is what drives the Club.


We promote innovative ideas to improve the experience and satisfaction of our fans. We are an avant-garde Club in everything we do.


We are committed to managing the Club's assets with integrity, responsibility, efficiency and ethics. We seek to generate income and be a self-sustaining Club.











1. To establish the criteria that will govern the behavior of all individuals who form a part of the Club de Futbol Monterrey Rayados.

2. To share our ethical Values and Principles with our Fans, with the community and institutions and/or with people affiliated to the Club.

3.To establish an institutional commitment with that expressed in our Code of Ethics which is a permanent framework for the work and evolution of the Club.

4. To involve the directors, coaching staff, players, collaborators, sponsors, investors, authorities, suppliers and the Community in general in our commitment to fulfill and respect the principles and criteria established in this document.


This Code of Ethics must be observed by the board of directors, coaching staff, players, officers and collaborators of the Club. In the same manner, it will be the reference for the Club’s relations with Fans, competitors, suppliers, communication media and sports and civil authorities. 

The Code of Ethics is not, nor does it attempt to include all of the situations that may arise and cause an ethical dilemma or conflict. For that reason, topics not contemplated in this document must be analyzed by the Directing Committee of the Club.


1. The Club de Futbol Monterrey Rayados recognizes the dignity of people and it respects their freedom and privacy.

2. We encourage inclusion and diversity, and we do not discriminate against anyone due to origin, race, gender, creed, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, sympathy for any team, social class or political preference.

3. Upon carrying out our tasks, we demonstrate loyalty, respectfulness, diligence and honesty.

4. We do not promote or participate in behavior that discredits, smears or causes damage to third parties.

5. We avoid, condemn, prohibit and denounce all types of intimidation and harassment inside and outside of our workplace.

6. As members of this Institution, we are responsible for our comments and personal opinions made on Social Networks and we must be careful so that each message or publication made in the media is made with respect.

7. The Club does not influence, support or contribute to religious institutions or to political parties, contenders, pre-candidates or candidates who will occupy public positions.

8. The directors, coaching staff, players, officers and collaborators who participate in religious or political activities of any creed or ideology will not involve the Club and they must clearly establish that they act in a personal manner and that they do not represent the Institution.

9. We will not carry out any outside activity that may affect our capacity, performance and availability in the fulfillment of our obligations and responsibilities with the Club.

10. We will not use the name or resources of the Club for personal benefit.



1.1 We recognize our Fan and our Community as the main reason for the existence of our Institution.

1.2 We respect our Fans as well as those of our competitors and we promote mutual respect between both.

1.3 We offer our Fans the best installations possible for the optimum enjoyment of our sporting spectacle.

1.4 We comply with established safety regulations and standards to avoid placing the safety of Fans using our stadium and installations at risk.

1.5 We promote a healthy family lifestyle, good habits, mutual respect and compliance with laws in effect in the installations where we gather.

1.6 As part of our community responsibility, we encourage programs to promote our Rayados Values In Life and on the Field among our youngest Fans.

1.7 Among our Fans, we encourage recognition and respect for the Fans and members of opposing teams.

1.8 We promote the safety of all attendees at our Stadium and we respect the guidelines of civil and/or sports authorities related to preventing access to the facilities to people who represent a risk to the safety of other attendees. 


2.1 Our coaching staff, medical staff and players are committed to complying with and they are subject to that found in our Internal Policies of Sports Behavior and Discipline.

2.2 Coaches and players form a part of our team and they are committed to seeking a maximum level of sports achievements.

2.3 We recognize that discipline and maximum effort are indispensable for achieving our goals.

2.4 Our team supports unity, solidarity and teamwork on the field.

2.5 Our coaches and players will behave with moral integrity as sportsmen and as citizens.

2.6 Our team assumes responsibility for the results obtained.


3.1 We recognize the commitment and responsibility for developing the young people in our Youth Academy as soccer players and as people.

3.2 This Institution is committed to the young people in our Youth Academy and to provide them with access to and place priority on their professional preparation, thus complementing their education and integral development.

3.3 It is the commitment and obligation of the young people in our Youth Academy to actively participate in different community support initiatives promoted by the Club.


4.1 We compete with loyalty and integrity and comply with the rules and regulations that establish the criteria for fair play.

4.2 We do not participate in any agreements that limit free competition and we will not use improper or dishonest methods to improve our competitive position.

4.3 We will always have a professional attitude in accordance with the principles and values of our institution and we will safeguard our personal image and that of the Club.

4.4 Whenever possible, we will avoid comments or declarations concerning the competition and when this is necessary, we do so fairly, objectively, respectfully and with restraint.

4.5 We will never attempt to obtain secrets or other confidential information about a competitor.

4.6 We recognize and respect rival clubs and their fans when they visit us, and we will fully abide by the protocol approved by the Mexican Soccer Federation.


5.1 We recognize that referees and commissioners are the maximum authorities on and off of the playing field and we respect their decisions.

5.2 We are conscious of the fact that referees carry out the difficult job of judging.

5.3 Our directors, coaching staff and players of our Club will not speak publically, in any manner, concerning the performance of referees that have penalized our games. 

5.4 All communication concerning instances will be made with Arbitration and Disciplinary Authorities within the corresponding time, in the correct manner and with the proper institutions.

5.5 According to League protocol, we will provide safety and comfort for the referees when they perform their duties.

5.6 We will not give or promise gifts or advantageous conditions, trips, commissions or any other form of compensation to influence a referee’s decision.

5.7 We will have a professional attitude with game officials, observing the principles and values of our institution and we will not act or try to influence their decisions.


6.1 We are committed to the Declaration of Fair Play and Sports Ethics established by the Mexican Soccer Federation and we adopt it as our own.

6.2 Our players carry out their work on the soccer field with the commitment not to simulate fouls and avoid all types of behaviors that are contrary to respect for our opponents and Fair Play.

6.3 We will not participate in doping practices by consuming substances or by using prohibited methods.

6.4 We will avoid all contact or relationships with dishonest people who try to or who are able to damage the Club.

6.5 We will comply with that found in sporting and civil laws and regulations and we will set an example for our Club, Fans and citizens.

6.6 We will not make comments that are or that may be detrimental to or that may discredit our Institution or those who form a part of it.

6.7 We offer fair and equal treatment as far as economic benefits are concerned in accordance to

that established with each member of the Institution.



1.1 We recognize our Community together with our Fans as one of the main reasons for the existence of our Institution.

1.2 We are committed to legality and we actively participate in supporting citizen institutions that promote a culture of legality in our society.

1.3 We recognize the protection and conservation of the environment as one of our commitments to the Community.

1.4 We will observe the universally accepted laws, regulations, ethical principles of sustainability and we will promote the conservation and improvement of the environment. 

1.5 We have Social Responsibility programs that support the environment and the community. These have a particular emphasis on children in vulnerable conditions. 

1.6 Our strategic framework for support of the environment and community includes Our Children, Rayados Values, Blue Planet and Gran Parque Ecológico Río La Silla.


2.1 We will observe responsible behavior upon publishing or spreading news of any type in communication media and social networks.

2.2 In recognition of the work carried out by communication media, we will respect its representatives.

2.3 We will offer dignified and fair treatment to representatives of communication media.

2.4 We will dedicate exclusive space so that representatives of communication media have access to information that is of interest to fans. 

2.5 We hope that the declarations and comments made by communication media concerning the Club or concerning its members are objective and that they will be found within a framework of respect.

2.6 If applicable, we respect the friendliness and/or preference by the members of the media toward any team. 

2.7 We will not pay Executives, Hosts, Columnists or opinion leaders in order for them to avoid making critical comments concerning the Club.

2.8 We will avoid making public comments concerning the actions of those in communication media.


3.1 The contents that we publish and/or spread on our social media are based on a framework of respect and are aligned with the Principles and Values of our Institution. 

3.2 We are conscious of our responsibility when publishing or sharing digital messages and/or content from third parties in our accounts.

3.3 Members of the Club will manage their individual social media accounts respectfully and responsibly. 

3.4 Personal comments included by Club members in their accounts when sharing content from official accounts will be congruent with the Institution’s Principles and Values.


4.1 Communication made through publicity and marketing will:

1. Be legal, decent, honest, truthful and follow the principles of fair competition and good business and sports practices.

2. Be prepared with a sense of social responsibility and based on the criteria of honesty and good faith.

3. Be demonstrable without elements that can cause an erroneous interpretation of the characteristics of the products and services offered.

4. Be respectful of moral values, avoiding non-ethical circumstances or culturally offensive symbols.


5.1 We recognize and value the importance of our sponsors and their trust upon associating their commercial brands with our Institution’s identity.

5.2 We will offer and seek fair and honest treatment in our Commercial Relations and always seek a win win situation for both parties.

5.3 We recognize that the information provided to us by our sponsors is private and confidential. 

5.4 It is illegal to request or receive any incentive or bribe to influence the selection of sponsors.

5.5 We request that our sponsors sign a letter each year confirming the knowledge and fulfillment of that established in this Code of Ethics for all of their operations with the Club de Futbol Monterrey.



1.1 We will collaborate at all times with authorities with jurisdiction in order for them to fully exercise their authority and responsibilities.

1.2 We will obey requirements and observations made by the authorities and try to collaborate in an efficient and courteous manner so they are able to fulfill their responsibilities.

1.3 We will denounce any attempt or occurrence of bribery or extortion to the proper authorities.

1.4 We will act according to law to defend the legitimate interests of the Club de Futbol Monterrey.


2.1 We are committed to honest and transparent practices to assure the fulfillment of anti-corruption laws and regulations.

2.2 We will not participate in, order, authorize, promise, conspire, induce or assist anyone in corruption practices, either directly or through third parties. 

2.3 We don’t give or accept gifts, advantageous conditions, salaries, trips, commissions or any other form of compensation to influence a decision that may benefit or damage the Club.

2.4 We will fully comply with that established in world-wide money laundering standards and laws.


3.1 We will protect and preserve our own information and that of third parties with responsibility, respecting that established in applicable laws.

3.2 Members of this institution with access to confidential and/or privileged information we take necessary measures so it will not be leaked or disseminated to unauthorized people.

3.3 Those of us who carry out activities as teachers, speakers, and students will only use public information concerning the Club de Futbol Monterrey when carrying out our activities and we will not divulge confidential information.

3.4 We will obtain and treat the personal data of all of our collaborators in a responsible and ethical manner, in accordance to the principles established in the Federal Law of Protection of Personal Data in the Possession of Private Parties.


4.1 Directors, coaches, players, officers and collaborators:

1. We will not intercede for or fulfill requirements of superiors, subordinates, work companions, family members or friends if they damage the Club de Futbol Monterrey.

2. Using institutional media, we will denounce cases in which we cannot fulfill our responsibilities with objectivity because of pressure received by third parties who use their position, authority or influence in the company.

3. We will not hire our relatives or family members (spouse, concubine or people who have a direct blood relationship up to the fourth level or those who have a relationship with our spouse up to the third level) as subordinates, except in the cases authorized in writing by the Board of Directors.

4.2 Directors, coaches, players, officers, collaborators and other related people who have interest in clubs or companies that attempt to buy, sell or provide services to our Club can do those operations after they have been analyzed and approved by the Board of Directors.

For any of these operations, market prices and terms will be checked to be sure that people involved in those operations do not participate in and do not influence the negotiation process.



The Directive Committee is formed by the President of the Board, the Sports President and the Administrative Vice President. Their responsibilities are:

1.1 To approve the content of this document.

1.2 To assure that all members of this Institution know the Principles, Values and Code of Ethics established in this document.

1.3 To function as a consultation body to clarify doubts related to the Principles, Values and Code of Ethics.

1.4 To include the topics contained in the Document of Principles, Values and Code of Ethics in induction programs.

1.5 To assure that there is dissemination of the content of this document, as well as future changes or updates, through its appropriate official publication, on our Internet page and in any other medium that is considered necessary; collecting an acknowledgement of receipt from all members of our Institution.

1.6 To periodically authorize its revision, updating and adaptation.


Their responsibilities concerning this matter are:

2.1 To be familiar with this document and to annually renew their commitment to its indications.

2.2 To be sure that their collaborators know and comply with this Code of Ethics.

2.3 To support their immediate collaborators to clarify doubts or to comment and resolve difficulties that may occur in the interpretation of this code or its application.

2.4 To report any possible violation of the Code of Ethics to the Directive Committee.


1. Violations of this Code will be the object of corrective measures.

2. The severity of sanctions referred to will be in accordance to the seriousness of the offense committed.

3. Corrective measures will be established by the Directive Committee of the Club and, in that case, they will be in accordance to that established in Internal Policies of Behavior and SportsDiscipline.

4. Violations of this Code must be denounced as follows:

Through the webpage  lineaeticarayados.ethicspoint.com or by phone at (81) 800-681-8096.

 Complaints may be made in person or anonymously.


(Last update: May 2023)

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